Arts and Heritage

Events and associated evidence about arts and cultural heritage can be found here in the Scenario Framework Navigation Tool.

As a number of Adirondack towns have shown, the arts can be an important part of revitalizing a hamlet and is an important part of creating a quality of life here that will draw in new families and the active retired.  The Arts are also a source of employment.  The key strategy here is for all arts groups in the region to work together, share productions and shows, and collectively promote the arts in the region.

  • Hold a Park-wide summit meeting of arts organizations to promote sharing and collaboration and to identify highest priority funding needs

The small movie theaters across the region face a costly transition to digital projection over the next two years.  This is not an option as it appears that print copies of films will soon be hard to get, especially for new films.  This is going to require significant funding if our small theaters are not going to close. But the conversion to digital can bring new opportunities for delivery of other content than just movies (e.g., MET Opera, plays, education, conferences, etc.) and perhaps therefore to creating new revenue opportunities for these small organizations.

  • Fund conversion to digital projection by small movie theaters in the region

ANCA is leading the effort with respect to movie theaters and it has been named a priority project by the NCREDC.

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